Monday, April 4, 2011

The Frame

The frame is mostly complete. I still need to touch up some of the welds, and I need to add the hangers for the axle. The frame is designed to be removable, so at this point, I plan to build the body then remove the body to paint both it and the frame. I can weld the axle hangers at that point.

The "tails" in the back provide a steel back to the trailer to minimize the damage should I ever back it into anything. I didn't include a solid back because the kitchen area will be set in from the back of the trailer. Without this, I'd either need a pull-out counter, or you'd have to reach across a ways to get to the counter.

The body will bolt to the frame through the floor. There are brackets at each corner and on the tails for the bolts. The brackets are on the bottom so the bolts will go through the plywood and the foam.

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